Getting Personal: A Look Into Our Stories


Getting Personal: A Look Into Our Stories 

There are many similarities in our grief stories and the ways our children died. That’s one of the reasons that we, Steffanie and Kristina have bonded. We now have the same fear, the same anxiety. Water. Drowning. And, especially seeing children near swiftly moving water. It’s a trigger for us because of our trauma. We aren’t talking about triggers in this episode though, we wanted to talk about how the places in which our trauma happened were - are - beautiful places. They were our “happy places”. How can something so beautiful - the great outdoors, water, God’s wonderful works of art - bring so much pain and anxiety now? Will that ever change?

This episode covers our stories from the days our children passed. Obviously, there is so much more we could say about that day but this a look into our "worst day ever" and some of the emotions that we had. Grab a box of tissues if you need to.

We share our stories in hopes that you would know that your stories can be and should be told as well. If you would like to share yours, please let us know.

Until next time, we hope that you find hope and joy in your journey.

-Sunflowers & Red Feathers

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