Evolution of Grief

 Evolution of Grief

The fact of the matter is, we are different people than we once were. We have all changed since our children died. Some of us struggle with a deep depression, some have found hope and have joy in their lives. We are all on this grief journey together. Forever. And, if that journey is just starting, we believe that you need a foundation and a system to follow to help get out of that early grief. We get asked often, “How long will it hurt this bad?”, “Or when does the pain subside.” We know now that it will never go away completely, but having tools and outlets can sure help with the journey. Our grief changes us and we evolve right along with it.
In this episode we talk about the changes that we go through and why it is necessary to get the help we need and build a community of people with hearts that understand, We were not made to go through life alone and we certainly were not made to grieve alone.
Child loss is a complex type of grief and it is a hard subject to research and talk about. We discuss how little research there is on our grief and how even with the research that has been done, there is no way to measure or sum up a parents grief. It's not a set of defined stages we go through. There is no "normal". It just is. We just are.

Until next time, we hope you find hope and joy in your journey.

Articles: When a Parent Loses a Child: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-spotlight/201302/when-parent-loses-child St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885392416312015

-Sunflowers & Red Feathers

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