Let’s Get Real: We’re Really Not Ok - Part 1& 2

Let's Get Real: We're Really Not Ok 

Part 1 Mental Health

Some days we are just talking - having a conversation about our boys and how are really coping and getting through our days. That’s when our next topic pops up. It’s usually something that we are currently dealing with that brings something to the surface that we know you can all relate to. We still struggle on a daily basis. We are just human and our grief is just as raw as yours is. This is us - just talking about how our grief affects our mental health. 

Part 2 Physical Health

If we're being honest, grief affects every aspect of our lives. Besides the toll that it can take on our mental health, our physical health may take a turn. We understand that all too well and we sympathize with any parent that has had a health scare since the loss of their child.

As a parent of child loss, you are also susceptible to a crisis in your faith and value system whether that be feelings of anger towards God or not having the zeal you once experienced.

What have you experienced? How has grief affected your daily life? Share your thoughts with us. We're all on this journey together. Your story might just help us in ours!

-Sunflowers & Red Feathers

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