Ways to Honor Your Child


Ways to Honor Your Child

For most parents, finding ways to remember and honor your child is incredibly important to you. Your biggest fear could be that your child will be forgotten and it will be completely up to you to keep their memory alive. 
One of my favorite movies is Coco. The idea that your loved one never ceases to exist as long as they are remembered is such a comforting thing.

Naturally, you do what you can and come up with ways that keep their memory alive for you. 
Here is a list of ideas that may be helpful for you if you are new to this journey or even if you are a friend supporting a parent on their journey

9 Ways to Honor Your Child

  1. Write a poem, sing a song, or start a blog in memory of your child. We at Sunflowers & Red Feathers know all about this one. That is a big reason we do what we do! We keep our boys' memories alive by sharing them with you and helping others along the way!
  2. If you are parenting a child who came after the one who died the book  "Someone Came Before You" can be a great way to help your littles learn about their older sibling. Two other books we love that are great for siblings are "The Invisible String" and " A Hug From Heaven".
  3. Plant a memorial garden, plant a memorial tree, place a marker where they died, or have a bench or brick placed at a local park with their name on it. Sometimes having something permanent and tangible can bring peace and give you a place to go when grief is hard 
  4. Release beautiful lanterns, balloons, or butterflies in their memory on their angelversary. There is something beautiful and captivating about the idea of sending something to your child. This always seems to be a favorite among those that are grieving.
  5. Take memorial pictures at the cemetery or cremation site or with their urn.
  6. Take photos of something in nature that helps you feel closer to your angel (light, butterflies, flowers, dragonflies, etc…). Post the photo on social media in remembrance of your child. In general: butterflies: (when released at funerals, butterflies can represent the deceased's soul fluttering into the afterlife or hope for the future), rainbows, etc. Some of our personal favorites are all yellow things in memory of Mason and all things red in memory of Joshua.
  7. Create a place in your home for your child’s special things. It can be a bookshelf with trinkets, photos, quotes, books, and other display items. We both have our own ways of having our children represented throughout our homes. Any way you choose to do it will be beautiful!
  8. Birthdays can still be a special day. Celebrate their birthday, in a big or small way. Involve your family and friends, buy a cake, decorate their grave, sing the birthday song, or light a candle. If making their favorite food and eating all the cake is what brings you happiness, you do it! Besides, you are still their parent and that day will always be one you will remember.
  9. Light a Candle for them. This year on December 13th is the Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony at 7 pm local time. A candle is lit for a full 24 hours around the world. It is a beautiful and symbolic way to honor the memory of your child.

What are some ways you honor your loved ones? We'd love to hear about it!

-Sunflowers & Red Feathers

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